Swiss Air Thessaloniki Office in Greece Address -EO Aerodromiou Thessalonikis, Thessaloniki 551 03, Greece

When you are planning to travel through Swiss Air make sure to gather all the flight information that you need. At the Swiss Air Thessaloniki Office in Greece, you will get everything related to travel. Their representatives can also help out in almost all these situations, including helping you manage change, right through to cancellation of flights. The team knows everything that is related to airline services, airport regulations, and even your trip. You can also schedule an appointment with them face-to-face and they can address your medical needs whether before, during, or after the trip.

Contact Details of Swiss Air Thessaloniki Office in Greece

Swiss Air Thessaloniki Office AddressEO Aerodromiou Thessalonikis, Thessaloniki 551 03, Greece
Swiss Air Thessaloniki Office Contact Number302103004339
Official Website
Swiss Air Check-InCheck-in
Swiss Air CallsignCallsign: SWISS
Swiss Air
Swiss Air IATA CodeLX
Swiss Air ICAO CodeSWR

Swiss Air Thessaloniki Airport Office Information

Airport AddressEO Aerodromiou Thessalonikis, Thessaloniki 551 03, Greece
Airport NameThessaloniki International Airport,
Airport Contact Number +30 231 098 5000
Visit AllSwiss Air Offices

Swiss Air Thessaloniki Types Of Services :

Flight BookingCheck-inFlight Wifi
Business ClassTicket CancellationBaggage Allowance
Airport WifiIn-Flight EntertainmentDuty-Free Allowance
Immigration ServicesAirport LoungesVisa Services
Airport LoungesEconomy ClassAirport Transfers
Valet ParkingAirport FacilitiesMissing Luggage
Visa on ArrivalFlight/Visa InfoDelayed Flights
Meet and GreetIn-Flight MealsMiles

Swiss Air Head Office Contact Number and Address

Head OfficeEmail AddressContact Number
SWISS International Air LinesmPO Box, Zurich Airport 4002 Zurich 41 848 700 700

Visit the Swiss Air Thessaloniki Office in Greece. Here you will be able to get in touch with the representatives. They are willing to help you with any questions regarding the trip. To make your air trip a voyage, they also provide effective recommendations.